When I read perfume reviews, I often feel like I'm in an entirely different world from other people. Reading about Loukhoum by Keiko Mecheri is a perfect example. Type it into Google and you''ll get all kinds of descriptions: "a confection of rose petal jam, noor dates and white almonds" "old fashioned powdery rose fragrance" "Johnson's Baby Oil + vanilla pipe tobacco + honey"
It seems that most online reviewers assert that Loukhoum is all about the roses and the almonds. A lot of them also say that it's strongly similar to Rahät Loukoum by Serge Lutens.
The only thing I can agree with is that it Loukhoum is very similar to Rahät Loukoum. No, not similar: the same. Like with Rahät Loukoum I'm covered in a cherry-vanilla Yankee Candle when I apply Loukhoum; like Rahät Loukoum it has elements of incense at first; like Rahät Loukoum it settles into a honeyed cherry. And, for me, it's ALL cherry; there are no almonds, there is no rose, there is no musk.
I'm not really sure why I ordered this sample. It's not that I don't like it, but I feel like reviewing it is easy: Serge Lutens did it four years earlier and I wore it two months ago. I don't want to seem negative, but I feel bewildered, like I'm missing something.
Loukhoum, Keiko Mecheri, 2002 Notes: hawthorn, rose, almond, floral notes, musk, vanilla, woodsy notes (apparently, but in reality: cherry vanilla candles)